Monday, November 09, 2009

Life and Busyness

Life as we know it in the Moore home is just a little crazy these days, even for us. You know when you first meet someone and they tell you about all the things they do each day and you're absolutely amazed that they can do everything that they are telling you? Well, I just met someone that when you hear the list of all that they're doing, you think they're crazy or even foolish.

After realizing that I hadn't blogged in quite a while, ah hem, due to busyness, I started thinking about what I could blog about. Here is the list I came up with. ..Date nights, talking to Josh, playing with the kids, disciplining the kids, Community Group, Gymnastics, Kindermusik, Life Group, Meeting with friends, watching a friends kids, church, Redemption Group, daily bible study, BSF, homeschool, meal planning, grocery shopping, prayer, reading prep for Life group, redemption group and BSF, preparing meals for friends with new babies, packing our home to move, phone calls to family members, phone calls for our house sale and purchase, email to friends and family, TV, laundry, cleaning, sorting, purging, and I think the list can go on but that's all from just this week. (Disclaimer…not all of these things are being done well, but they are being done.)

Then I realized that I was now one of those people that I used to be amazed at. I'm not saying this to be prideful or bring attention to myself in anyway…but I actually don't get it. How are all of these things being accomplished each week? I feel like I'm getting sleep, so it's not that I'm not sleeping, how is this possible? Then I remembered a sermon that our pastor preached on Grace.

What is Grace? A gift, something we have done nothing to get, just a gift. What I think of most often is God's saving grace, that he has chosen me and saved me from my sin and has given me eternal life. Our pastor calls that electing grace, but that's a blog post for another time. So what other types of grace does God give us? Well, there's preached grace, regenerating grace, converting grace, justifying grace, adopting grace, ministry grace, sanctifying grace, empowering grace, provisional grace, miraculous grace, persevering grace, and glorifying grace. Basically, grace in abundance!

What I remembered most today was the empowering grace. It is grace where God is "enabling us to do the good works that he has appointed for us to do with great power and humility." I write this because I relate to what Paul speaks of in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10;

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

I think what I'm experiencing is what Mark Driscoll talks about in his book Religion Saves that "empowering grace enables Christians to live lives that are more fruitful and productive than they would have ever dreamed possible."

Thank you God for your Empowering Grace and may this blessing continue as I continue to boast in all my weakness and in your strength!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Hands on Homeschooling

Many have asked what we're doing for our curriculum this year. Last year when the idea of homeschooling first sounded appealing, I looked into curriculum for preschool and found a woman in Texas who had written her own curriculum for her kids and then put it together for others to purchase.

I purchased the 3 year old curriculum last year, only $90 for the entire years lessons plans, and used it on and off and found it enjoyable as it included many typical daily activities and used them for park of the curriculum. I found that it fit in so nicely in our natural schedule. It was a good reminder that in every activity we do, it's a learning opportunity.

So, this year, now that we're formally doing homeschool preschool, I love it even more. I purchased both the 2 year old ($80) and 4 year old ($100) curriculum but am pulling very little from the 2 year old stuff except for the readiness skills. Isaac fits right in with about half of the activities that Ali does and they really enjoy doing the same activities together. Actually, it's much easier for me, as I'm not teaching each of them separately.

What do I love about this curriculum? The Biblical portion sets the theme for the month…it is the focus. The wonderful ideas for craft projects, cooking, etc are simple and enjoyable for both the kids and myself. And that it's all in one package. For the first year of officially homeschooling, I was looking for something easy. It's definitely that. I spend 3-4 hours of planning (mostly to include some of the skills like knowing colors, shapes, or physical activities that I want to teach Isaac) each month. I may spend 5-10 min each day gathering supplies, but it's pretty minimal.

If you're interested in this curriculum, feel free to come over and check out what I've purchased, join us for "circle time," or check out the website as she has sample curriculum online .

Thursday, September 17, 2009


God has given me the privilege of being a mother to a boy. He's not just a little bit boy, he's all boy!

When thinking about the day we found out he was going to be a boy, I was terrified. We already had a girl and I thought I was a great mother for girls. Josh too thought he was destined to be a father to four girls. While that still may come true, we know now that God always intended us to be the parents of a boy as well.

I have had to pray to Jesus many times for Him to open my eyes to see the joy of having a son. Our son has so much energy and has tested something that I often hold too dear, my comfort. After eight years of marriage I see now that marriage is not just for happiness but also for holiness, and I would say the same thing about parenting. Parenting is not just for happiness but also for holiness.

Today, however, joy filled my heart because I have a son. We began a bible study today called Bible Study Fellowship and will be going through the book of John for the remainder of the year. They have a fantastic children's program so I was very excited to take the kids to a place where they will be enjoying time with other kids while learning how to study God's word and worship Jesus as God. When I picked up Isaac today, the teacher said, "Isaac had a great morning in class, he was filled with energy! And when they sang their welcome song and it was Isaac's turn to say his name, he jumped right up and shouted his name. He was the only one in the class to do it, as all other kids were very shy on their first day." Many mom's would be scared at the thought of Isaac "being filled with energy" but I felt great joy as I know the teachers did a great job in helping him channel that energy toward worshipping Jesus. Thank you so much to all of you volunteers who will be pouring into our children's lives this year.

Then on the way home, I was again reminded that my boy, is all boy. But instead of being annoyed, I saw joy in it. Lately Isaac has been able to make a weapon out of any object he comes across, therefore my most common statement to him lately is "Isaac that is not a weapon, please do not hit anyone or anything please. " Usually upon saying this, I'm very annoyed that he created an object into a weapon. But today, when he took his McDonald's Happy Meal box, and used it as a weapon, and after saying the ever common saying of explaining that it is not a weapon, I had a smile on my face.

Thank you Jesus for showing me joy in raising a son!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


I know many of you are looking forward to seeing our pictures from our trip to Greece and Israel, as we are too. There are quite a few to sort through so I'm hoping I'll get some time over the next couple of days to look over them. The trip was amazing! We both learned so much and many things I never expected. Can't wait to share all the details but today it's all about homeschooling.

Today it officially begins. Both of the kids and I are "super duper" (our Israeli guides favorite adjective) excited to begin our adventures of homeschooling. I don't fully know what it will be like but I spent all weekend prepping and trying to figure out a system where we'll all teach, learn, and most importantly enjoy.

Ali has been counting down the days, and I think Isaac will love it too, he just doesn't know what's coming.

So far the schedule looks like a "Circle Time" in the morning including a morning worship of praying, singing, and thanking God for our day. I'm hoping to use this time to begin teaching the kids a little bit of public speaking by asking them to announce the day and what we have planned for the day, and counting. Then we'll do our Bible Story and Memory Verse.

In the afternoon, we'll do like 15 min of the kids together then Isaac will go down for nap and I'll continue for about 30 min with Ali.

That's it. About 1 hr a day. Some days may take more with our cooking or bigger craft projects but it's not going to take much.

I feel so blessed to be home with the kids where I'm able to love them and teach them!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our Anniversary

Today is our 8th Anniversary…for some reason I was actually alert enough this morning to tell my husband happy anniversary before he had to leave. I'm very greatful for just those few minutes today as he'll be gone the entire day at school. Yes, school. He began pursuing his Master of Missional Leadership on Sunday and this is day 3 of school. Well, technically he's been in school for about 2 weeks now doing all the pre-reading they wanting him to do.

So, because I can't spend the day with my hubby. I'll take this day away from all the business of preparing for our trip and spend it with my children and thanking the Lord for them and how he has blessed our family on the 8th anniversary of our family.

There is lots to do to get the home and kids stuff ready before we go; meal planning, food shopping, house cleaning, stocking the house full of it's necessities, weeding, watering, fertilizing, mowing, preparing emergency medical paperwork, signing our will with 3 witnesses present, providing daily routines, providing locations of things to do in the area, laundry, packing for Josh and I, packing for the kids weekend with friends to give grandpa and grandma a break, and keeping the house clean in the process so we'll hopefully sell our house soon.

Instead, I'm taking the day to spend with the kids. On the agenda, free movie at Regal Cinema and lunch with friends, nap for Isaac, special one-on-one time with Ali, to the park to enjoy the sunshine, dinner, reading the kids their favorite books, bath while worshipping Jesus in song, and then cuddle time with Bible reading, and bed.

So thankful for my two little ones, that God gave them to me to enjoy and disciple. Jesus, please remind me through out the day that this day is a special day and to continue in my enjoyment even when I'm tempted not too.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Missing Mom

Today marks three years without Mom. I am actually having a harder time this year than any other year. I would like to say that I'm just not as preoccupied as other years but that isn't the case.

Why do I miss her more this year than any other? God has grown us so much over the last three years that I would love for her to be able to share in it with us. However, she is in the presence of his glory and doesn't need to be reminded of it like we do here on earth. To be honest though, it is actually hard to articulate exactly why I miss her.

I went through some pictures this afternoon and thought I would share a few. It reminded me of all the things that she did share with me and how she discipled me long before I knew what that even meant. I don't remember her using many words in our daily life to share Jesus with me, but was seeming always submitted to his will for us as a family. (This last statement may not even be true though because my memory is terrible and for so long my heart was very hard and I couldn't hear what was being shared about Jesus around me.)

Anyway, on to the pictures. Her high school graduation picture. She was beautiful, wasn't she?

This is the year I was born. I don't know the month this was taken but it looks like she was pregnant but not too far along. My guess it was July or August.

The year I graduated high school she retired from her career of running an in home daycare. I was thinking a lot about this, this week because it was Isaac's second birthday and oh how I wish she could have met him. She loved children and they loved her. Here is a picture of her with the kids she took care of. I don't remember where this picture was taken, but I'm thinking we did a picnic or something with the families before she retired.
One of my favorite reminders of her today was when I found this picture of her and dad dancing at our wedding. We buried her in the pink suit she was wearing.

This last picture is how I remember her best down to the glasses around her neck. This picture was taken when they came out to visit for my college graduation from the University of Washington. After visiting here they went down to Oregon to visit an old friend and stopped for this picture op along the way. She loved gardening and the outdoors. During this trip, she landscaped our yard beautifully. The home that we're trying to sell. Makes me sad to think of not seeing all that she put together for us to enjoy the tiny bit of yard we do have. But thankful for the inspiration she gave me to want to landscape the new home waiting for us somewhere out there.

I sure do miss her, but am thankful so much for all that left behind in her legacy. Seeing how she went out of this world, reminds me that my ultimate goal is to finish strong and finish well.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August Update

Bellow is the monthly update Josh wrote in the beginning of the month. Enjoy!

Josh says...
Well, I missed out on the July version so this is really two updates in one. Booyah.

The Family
· is trying to sell the house. Well, the house has been on the market for about six weeks or so now, and we've seen both good weeks and bad weeks. Unfortunately, not to many people have come through in the last two weeks or so. One pleasant surprise has been the realization that we actually enjoy keeping the house spotless. We are just trying to be patient, but that is becoming harder because we…
· found a house that we really like and would buy. It meets all of our criteria and is really gorgeous. We've been out looking twice and this one is by far the best. The listing can be found at, if you're interested in seeing it.
· is prepping for the Greece/Israel trip. It seems crazy that it is actually time to go soon, but it is really getting soon! We went to an informational meeting about it last weekend and I think we're all set to go. The itinerary (more or less) can be found at Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Moore for watching the kids while we’re gone!
· is trying to stay cool. It has been quite the heat wave around here in the last couple of weeks, with 7/29 being an all-time high for Seattle at over 100 degrees. We don't have air, but we did just buy a portable unit that we can wheel out for emergencies.
· had Jason come visit. Jason came out to visit 7/4 - 7/11 and we had a fun time having him around and talking about what the future might look like if he came out to live here. He got to live life out here for a week and met a lot of the people in our lives.
· had friends come visit. I interned at Motorola in the Summer of '99 with John Michelau, and he and his wife came to visit this week. It was nice to be able to catch up a bit and get to know his wife a bit better.

· is going back to school. I got accepted into the newly formed Resurgence Theological Center ( to pursue a Masters of Missional Leadership. It will be a very full year as a result, but I’m very excited to learn from such men as John Piper, Ed Stetzer, Bruce Ware, Mark Driscoll, and more. You can pray that I find good times of fruitful study that do not take away from my responsibilities to my wife, kids, ministry, and work. Classes start in two weeks, August 16th.
· finished his first time through the bible. After 365 sessions split over 545 days, I completed my first time studying through this morning. It was awesome. I'll be writing a facebook note soon to give the top things that I learned, but for now I'd just encourage everyone to make plans to read it all, too - you won't regret it. I'd highly recommend reading through it chronologically and really taking in the full story of redemption as it unfolds.

· is reading Family Driven Faith. A friend of mine from HS recommended a speaker named Voddie Baucham to me the other day since she knew that I was investigating what homeschooling might look like for our family. Sarah listened to some of his teachings and got hooked, and is now reading his book and really enjoying it.
· is prepping for home school. Ali and Isaac will be homeschooled this year for preschool for a number of reasons, so Sarah is getting everything prepped and ready to go. It would really be nice if we were in our house sooner than later so that there'd be more room to actually do stuff.

· needs more sleep. Lately our little girl has been having trouble keeping her emotions in check and we're thinking that some more sleep wouldn't hurt anything. Now if we could just get her to sleep in the afternoon.
· got a new bible. For Father's Day this year I got the Jesus Storybook Bible to read to Ali at night since she was just finishing up her last one. We're only about 5 stories in but so far it is awesome and comes highly recommended to ages young and old. In every story, OT or NT, it shows how Jesus is the missing link and what is needed to make everything make sense.
· did Kindermusik Summer Camp. They did a special Summer session where they "traveled" to different parts of the world to learn their greetings, songs and instruments. On the list was Germany, Japan, Great Britain, etc. They even made little instruments from each country!

· turns 2 next week! It is hard to believe that it has been two years already. He's full of energy and is certainly "spirited", as we say, but he's a lot of fun to have around.
· does everything that Ali does. Right now he really copies Ali and does whatever she does, which is usually fine except when Ali is freaking out. Luckily he has copied her manners and he does such a good job with his "please's" and "thank you's".
· is now into 3T clothes. He continues to be a large kid and is growing out of the clothes that he has now.

Well, that's all for now. Catch up with us on facebook in the meantime!

Josh, Sarah, Alison, & Isaac

Creating a Blog

I have grand thoughts for this blog. I made an outline today of everything that I would love to remember down the road on what is happening in our life or should I say how God is shaping us for what he has planned for our future.

Here is the list I came up with.
1. My personal bible study. I'm going through Proverbs and would like to note things that I feel I'm learning as I go along. In the fall I'll be beginnig BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and would love to share what both the kids and I are learning as we go through the Book of John.
2. Homeschooling. We've decided to do Homeschool Preschool this year to see what we think. I've done some research (there is a ton out there) and think this may be the best option for the family.
3. We're in the process of Selling our home and looking for a new home for us. We had found the home that we loved but it was just taken off the market this week. I'm very bummed, but since we don't have a buyer there is no reason to become attached to anything in the first place. Also, wanting to share some of the stories we have from selling, like strange people coming through our home or trying to green up the lawn, etc.
4. Book Reviews. Josh and I are always reading new books and would love to just jot down my thoughts as I read them. We also read lots of children's books and would love to share my thoughts on those as well.
5. Greece/Israel Trip. We leave on our trip in less than two weeks. I would love to share thoughts about how we're preparing for Grandma and Grandpa to come and journal our trip along the way.
6. Family. There are so many things I could share here. Tomorrow is the anniversary of my mom's death. I don't really know what to think, but know that I'm sad that she missed Isaac's second birthday. She never got to meet Isaac. He was due to be born the day after the first anniversary of her death. She loved children and I wish so much she could see them grow. Some other topics in the family category I would love to share is the planning for Ali's 4th birthday in October (crazy, I know.); we hired a financial advisor and am going through the insurance process and do our medical exam on Saturday, we also just opened up college funds for the kids; and the planning for the timing of our next child. Josh does do monthly updates for our family so I'll include those as well.
7. My Husband. He is quite an incredible man. I never dreamed that we would be where we are now and this is an area where I have no trouble seeing the blessing that God has provided for me in my husband. He begins school on Sunday and his schedule is going to be crazy! I would love to share my struggle with knowing exactly how to help him and how to best love him.
8. Home Business. Last month I began a home business where I can make Baby Announcements, Invitations, Graduation Announcements, Holiday Cards, etc. I'm so excited to see where this takes me. I'm working on my creativity and hoping to build a good client base through the holidays. I want to try this out until Spring to see what comes of it. I really enjoy it, especially being able to share in other peoples lives as they celebrate special moments in their life.
9. Other hobbies. I love interior design and any kind of craft making. I made a few decoupage wall hangings and have sewn a few t-shirts as gifts for some of Ali and Isaac's friends.

Obviously, I would be writing all the time if I wrote about all of these. So, for now, I'll just post the monthly family update and see where that takes me.