Tuesday, September 08, 2009


I know many of you are looking forward to seeing our pictures from our trip to Greece and Israel, as we are too. There are quite a few to sort through so I'm hoping I'll get some time over the next couple of days to look over them. The trip was amazing! We both learned so much and many things I never expected. Can't wait to share all the details but today it's all about homeschooling.

Today it officially begins. Both of the kids and I are "super duper" (our Israeli guides favorite adjective) excited to begin our adventures of homeschooling. I don't fully know what it will be like but I spent all weekend prepping and trying to figure out a system where we'll all teach, learn, and most importantly enjoy.

Ali has been counting down the days, and I think Isaac will love it too, he just doesn't know what's coming.

So far the schedule looks like a "Circle Time" in the morning including a morning worship of praying, singing, and thanking God for our day. I'm hoping to use this time to begin teaching the kids a little bit of public speaking by asking them to announce the day and what we have planned for the day, and counting. Then we'll do our Bible Story and Memory Verse.

In the afternoon, we'll do like 15 min of the kids together then Isaac will go down for nap and I'll continue for about 30 min with Ali.

That's it. About 1 hr a day. Some days may take more with our cooking or bigger craft projects but it's not going to take much.

I feel so blessed to be home with the kids where I'm able to love them and teach them!!!

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