Friday, October 02, 2009

Hands on Homeschooling

Many have asked what we're doing for our curriculum this year. Last year when the idea of homeschooling first sounded appealing, I looked into curriculum for preschool and found a woman in Texas who had written her own curriculum for her kids and then put it together for others to purchase.

I purchased the 3 year old curriculum last year, only $90 for the entire years lessons plans, and used it on and off and found it enjoyable as it included many typical daily activities and used them for park of the curriculum. I found that it fit in so nicely in our natural schedule. It was a good reminder that in every activity we do, it's a learning opportunity.

So, this year, now that we're formally doing homeschool preschool, I love it even more. I purchased both the 2 year old ($80) and 4 year old ($100) curriculum but am pulling very little from the 2 year old stuff except for the readiness skills. Isaac fits right in with about half of the activities that Ali does and they really enjoy doing the same activities together. Actually, it's much easier for me, as I'm not teaching each of them separately.

What do I love about this curriculum? The Biblical portion sets the theme for the month…it is the focus. The wonderful ideas for craft projects, cooking, etc are simple and enjoyable for both the kids and myself. And that it's all in one package. For the first year of officially homeschooling, I was looking for something easy. It's definitely that. I spend 3-4 hours of planning (mostly to include some of the skills like knowing colors, shapes, or physical activities that I want to teach Isaac) each month. I may spend 5-10 min each day gathering supplies, but it's pretty minimal.

If you're interested in this curriculum, feel free to come over and check out what I've purchased, join us for "circle time," or check out the website as she has sample curriculum online .