Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our Anniversary

Today is our 8th Anniversary…for some reason I was actually alert enough this morning to tell my husband happy anniversary before he had to leave. I'm very greatful for just those few minutes today as he'll be gone the entire day at school. Yes, school. He began pursuing his Master of Missional Leadership on Sunday and this is day 3 of school. Well, technically he's been in school for about 2 weeks now doing all the pre-reading they wanting him to do.

So, because I can't spend the day with my hubby. I'll take this day away from all the business of preparing for our trip and spend it with my children and thanking the Lord for them and how he has blessed our family on the 8th anniversary of our family.

There is lots to do to get the home and kids stuff ready before we go; meal planning, food shopping, house cleaning, stocking the house full of it's necessities, weeding, watering, fertilizing, mowing, preparing emergency medical paperwork, signing our will with 3 witnesses present, providing daily routines, providing locations of things to do in the area, laundry, packing for Josh and I, packing for the kids weekend with friends to give grandpa and grandma a break, and keeping the house clean in the process so we'll hopefully sell our house soon.

Instead, I'm taking the day to spend with the kids. On the agenda, free movie at Regal Cinema and lunch with friends, nap for Isaac, special one-on-one time with Ali, to the park to enjoy the sunshine, dinner, reading the kids their favorite books, bath while worshipping Jesus in song, and then cuddle time with Bible reading, and bed.

So thankful for my two little ones, that God gave them to me to enjoy and disciple. Jesus, please remind me through out the day that this day is a special day and to continue in my enjoyment even when I'm tempted not too.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for being friends that not only encourage and have fun with us but will also speak hard truths into our lives. I love you both dearly and am so thankful that God saved you both, brought you 2 together, and also for His gift of your friendship. I look forward to many more...
