Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August Update

Bellow is the monthly update Josh wrote in the beginning of the month. Enjoy!

Josh says...
Well, I missed out on the July version so this is really two updates in one. Booyah.

The Family
· is trying to sell the house. Well, the house has been on the market for about six weeks or so now, and we've seen both good weeks and bad weeks. Unfortunately, not to many people have come through in the last two weeks or so. One pleasant surprise has been the realization that we actually enjoy keeping the house spotless. We are just trying to be patient, but that is becoming harder because we…
· found a house that we really like and would buy. It meets all of our criteria and is really gorgeous. We've been out looking twice and this one is by far the best. The listing can be found at, if you're interested in seeing it.
· is prepping for the Greece/Israel trip. It seems crazy that it is actually time to go soon, but it is really getting soon! We went to an informational meeting about it last weekend and I think we're all set to go. The itinerary (more or less) can be found at Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Moore for watching the kids while we’re gone!
· is trying to stay cool. It has been quite the heat wave around here in the last couple of weeks, with 7/29 being an all-time high for Seattle at over 100 degrees. We don't have air, but we did just buy a portable unit that we can wheel out for emergencies.
· had Jason come visit. Jason came out to visit 7/4 - 7/11 and we had a fun time having him around and talking about what the future might look like if he came out to live here. He got to live life out here for a week and met a lot of the people in our lives.
· had friends come visit. I interned at Motorola in the Summer of '99 with John Michelau, and he and his wife came to visit this week. It was nice to be able to catch up a bit and get to know his wife a bit better.

· is going back to school. I got accepted into the newly formed Resurgence Theological Center ( to pursue a Masters of Missional Leadership. It will be a very full year as a result, but I’m very excited to learn from such men as John Piper, Ed Stetzer, Bruce Ware, Mark Driscoll, and more. You can pray that I find good times of fruitful study that do not take away from my responsibilities to my wife, kids, ministry, and work. Classes start in two weeks, August 16th.
· finished his first time through the bible. After 365 sessions split over 545 days, I completed my first time studying through this morning. It was awesome. I'll be writing a facebook note soon to give the top things that I learned, but for now I'd just encourage everyone to make plans to read it all, too - you won't regret it. I'd highly recommend reading through it chronologically and really taking in the full story of redemption as it unfolds.

· is reading Family Driven Faith. A friend of mine from HS recommended a speaker named Voddie Baucham to me the other day since she knew that I was investigating what homeschooling might look like for our family. Sarah listened to some of his teachings and got hooked, and is now reading his book and really enjoying it.
· is prepping for home school. Ali and Isaac will be homeschooled this year for preschool for a number of reasons, so Sarah is getting everything prepped and ready to go. It would really be nice if we were in our house sooner than later so that there'd be more room to actually do stuff.

· needs more sleep. Lately our little girl has been having trouble keeping her emotions in check and we're thinking that some more sleep wouldn't hurt anything. Now if we could just get her to sleep in the afternoon.
· got a new bible. For Father's Day this year I got the Jesus Storybook Bible to read to Ali at night since she was just finishing up her last one. We're only about 5 stories in but so far it is awesome and comes highly recommended to ages young and old. In every story, OT or NT, it shows how Jesus is the missing link and what is needed to make everything make sense.
· did Kindermusik Summer Camp. They did a special Summer session where they "traveled" to different parts of the world to learn their greetings, songs and instruments. On the list was Germany, Japan, Great Britain, etc. They even made little instruments from each country!

· turns 2 next week! It is hard to believe that it has been two years already. He's full of energy and is certainly "spirited", as we say, but he's a lot of fun to have around.
· does everything that Ali does. Right now he really copies Ali and does whatever she does, which is usually fine except when Ali is freaking out. Luckily he has copied her manners and he does such a good job with his "please's" and "thank you's".
· is now into 3T clothes. He continues to be a large kid and is growing out of the clothes that he has now.

Well, that's all for now. Catch up with us on facebook in the meantime!

Josh, Sarah, Alison, & Isaac

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